Your Personal
NFT Tracker App.
Track your NFT portfolio on the go.
Supports Solana, Aptos, and Ethereum NFTs

Track your NFTs
from your phone.
NFTfolio is an all-in-one mobile NFT tracker and discovery app. Users can view real-time updates on any project's stats, listings and sales activity. Alongside tracking Ethereum, Aptos & Solana NFTs, you can seamlessly track your NFT portfolio, get price alert notifications, view daily NFT news, and chat with the NFT community.

Track Your
Whether you have Ethereum NFTs, Solana NFTs or Aptos NFTs, NFTfolio provides a beautifully designed mobile interface to track your NFT portfolio on the go. We also offer multi-wallet support so you can track up to 7 different wallets in our app.

Price Alerts
NFTfolio fetches floor price and stats data from multiple NFT marketplaces in real-time. Enter target buy prices or target sell prices and get floor price notifications on projects directly to your phone.

Discover New
Browse thousands of Solana and Ethereum NFT collections and discover the top 10 ETH and SOL projects by 24-hour trade volume. Discovering new NFT projects has never been easier.

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NFT News
Stay on top of breaking news happening within the NFT industry by viewing the latest NFT news articles synced from several crypto news outlets.
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How can I delete my account data on NFTfolio?
To delete your account data, submit the form below and we will delete your account and data within 5-15 business days. You can also DM us on Twitter @NFTfolioApp if you have any questions.Can I buy or trades NFTs in NFTfolio?
No, NFTfolio is only an app for tracking.Do I need to pay for NFTfolio?
No, NFTfolio is 100% free to use and is available on both iOS and Android.What do I do if I find a bug or issue in the app?
You can contact us here and we will respond as soon as possible to resolve your problem.What do I do if I have a feature request or suggestion?
You can also contact us here on any suggestions to improve NFTfolio.How can I help NFTfolio?
To help us, feel free to follow us on Twitter @NFTfolioApp and leave an app review on your experience using NFTfolio!

Contact Us
Send us a message and we'll be in touch within 2-5 business days.

Drive Highly Targeted Traffic to Your NFT Project
Showcase your collection to some of the most active users in the NFT community

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Showcase your collection on the cover of our app as the first thing users see daily.

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Link your collection or website at the top of our most popular page in-app.

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Pin your collection or website to the top of our search page any time a user searches in-app.

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Showcase Your Project's Discord Announcements on NFTfolio & NFTGo

Gives your community an easier way to receive project announcement notifications from their phone.
Lets the broader NFT community view your project's progress.
Receive increased project exposure and interest on the NFTfolio app and NFTGo platform.
INSTRUCTIONS1. Add the bot to your server (click the button above).2. Give the bot Read Messages and Read Message History permissions to read your project's channel messages.3. Lastly, you will need to give the bot a community member role so that it can access the announcement channel. This is due to announcement channels sometimes being set to private channels for role members only.4. And that's it - you're all done! We will review your request and then connect your Discord announcements to your respective NFT project page.
Bonus: Make an announcement on your Discord to announce that project announcements will now be viewable using NFTfolio. (Also DM us on Twitter if you would like us to tweet out the news!)Note: Our Discord bot's permissions are read-only, it will **never ** send messages, change channel permissions or change anything on your server. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at team@nftfolioapp.com
Some of the Projects We've Integrated

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